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4.4 years ago
Dear all, I used ggbio package in R for plotting gene models. However, intron lines were only presented in one transcript. My codes are:
txdb <- makeTxDbFromGFF(file="/home/linjc/genome/gff/Arabidopsis_thaliana.TAIR10.37.gtf",format="gtf") autoplot(txdb, which=GRanges("5", IRanges(18585000, 18591500)),names.expr = "tx_name", truncate.gaps = FALSE, truncate.fun = NULL, ratio = 0.0025, mode = c("full"),geom = c("alignment"), stat =c("identity"),aes(fill=tx_name))
The output is: https://jimlin.smugmug.com/My-First-Gallery/n-pBrn88
Did anyone meet with this problem? Thanks very much