Hello everyone,
I recently downloaded t_coffee multiple alignment tool and exploring its usage, however I keep on getting the error "MAX_N_PID value exceeded (current: 260000 requested: 434668)" recompile changing the value or setenv MAX_N_PID_4_TCOFFEE=434668. I tried running the setenv MAX_N_PID_4_TCOFFEE=434668 command but got the error "-sh:18 setenv: not found". there appears to be a solution in this link https://groups.google.com/g/tcoffee/c/sO8Kd5NjA5A however with my limited knowledge about linux shell and understanding code I wasn't able to implement it. I'm running an ubuntu machine, if anyone could explain how I could implement the solution or suggest how I could fix the issue I would totally appreciate it :)
PS: I tried the web version of t_coffee however there's a limitation on the number of sequences I could upload hence (unfortunately) its not an option for me.