Entering edit mode
4.4 years ago
Hello All,
I tried to call GTAK 'HaplotypeCaller gvcf mode' and it ran successfully. Output gvcf file showing the following header information
########ALT=ID=NON_REF,Description="**Represents any possible alternative allele not already represented at this location by REF and ALT**"
I checked with some other gvcf file in online, including GATK example file, and it showing the ALT header as
########ALT=ID=NON_REF,Description="**Represents any possible alternative allele at this location**".
Please can somebody tell me that is there any mistake in my output gcVF file or is it normal ?
GTAK command used for Haplotype call : gatk- HaplotypeCaller --java-options '-Xmx10G' -R pdsk_genome.fa -I w_00001.bam -O wgs_00001.g.vcf -ERC GVCF --minimum-mapping-quality=20 --min-base-quality-score=20 --tmp-dir=tmp
I would say it's normal, the code for the description was just updated.
@Pierre Lindenbaum, Thank you so much for your reply.