I am used to ask meta questions on a meta-forum within StackExchange. What is the place to ask such questions?
e.g., how to find posts which were favourited/bookmarked by most users.
I am used to ask meta questions on a meta-forum within StackExchange. What is the place to ask such questions?
e.g., how to find posts which were favourited/bookmarked by most users.
You can add them to the Forum section - on the new post page there is a dropdown menu that sets the type of the post.
As for your question, you can sort the main questions tab by various conditions, rank, time of creation and number of bookmarks. This latter does not actually look through all the questions, Ithe database structure does not allow for this to be performed in an efficient manner, but it can easily do the top 200 most bookmarked questions.
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