For the IDBA-UD assembly, is it necessary to use fasta files or How can I enter fastq files?
I have tried to get your manual but I can not find information.
Help, please!!
For the IDBA-UD assembly, is it necessary to use fasta files or How can I enter fastq files?
I have tried to get your manual but I can not find information.
Help, please!!
there is a script named 'fq2fa' that can merge two fastq files and convert them into fasta format
For future users: the script mentioned by @lyx694214251 is included in the idba-ud package and is called "fq2fa" and can be found in the bin folder of the package (g.e. "~/idba/bin/fq2fa).
For paired reads saved in two seperate files (and assuming the reads are ordered), the command is:
bin/fq2fa --merge --filter read_1.fq read_2.fq read.fa
Or to convert a single FASTQ file to FASTA via:
bin/fq2fa --paired --filter read.fq read.fa
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