Maybe this is very simple question, I'm beginner in bioinformatics.
I'm trying to run exonerate. I tested with a partial chr1 of A. thaliana, and extracting its mRNA, only for testing. I generate the GFF of the query, the partial chr1, and the GFF of its genes, but when I try to load in artemis, it doesn't work, when I load the GFF, query or target, it only shows the partial chr1 fasta.
It is not a problem with artemis, because I load the augustus ab-inito.GFF and it works.
These are my commands:
exonerate -q At.chr1.fa -Q dna -t At.genes.fa -T dna -m e2g --refine region --showalignment no --showvulgar no --showquerygff yes > At.chr1.gff
exonerate -q At.chr1.fa -Q dna -t At.genes.fa -T dna -m e2g --refine region --showalignment no --showvulgar no --showtargetgff yes > At.genes.gff
artemis At.chr1.fa + At.chr1.gff # only shows At.chr1.fa
artemis At.chr1.fa + At.genes.gff # only shows At.chr1.fa
artemis At.chr1.fa + At.chr1.gff + At.genes.gff # only shows At.chr1.fa
This is the At.chr1.gff
##gff-version 2
##source-version exonerate:est2genome 2.2.0
##date 2012-06-07
##type DNA
# seqname source feature start end score strand frame attributes
gi|332189094|gb|CP002684.1| exonerate:est2genome similarity 1838 2300 2315 + . alignment_id 1 ; Target mRNA1 ; Align 1838 1226 463
# --- END OF GFF DUMP ---
And this is the At.genes.gff
##gff-version 2
##source-version exonerate:est2genome 2.2.0
##date 2012-06-07
##type DNA
# seqname source feature start end score strand frame attributes
mRNA1 exonerate:est2genome gene 1226 1688 2315 + . gene_id 1 ; sequence gi|332189094|gb|CP002684.1| ; gene_orientation .
mRNA1 exonerate:est2genome exon 1226 1688 . + . insertions 0 ; deletions 0
mRNA1 exonerate:est2genome similarity 1226 1688 2315 + . alignment_id 1 ; Query gi|332189094|gb|CP002684.1| ; Align 1226 1838 463
# --- END OF GFF DUMP ---
Sorry for this question but how can I upload it in that link?
the query seems to be fine. Can you post the first few lines from the gff file that you get from exonerate? Why don't you try uploading it as a custom track to http://atensembl.arabidopsis.info/Arabidopsis_thaliana_TAIR/index.html , and see if it works?