Entering edit mode
4.1 years ago
I used samtools to remove duplicate reads. First I used fixmate, it requires the reads sorted according to their name. I used the following command
samtools sort -n -@ 32 in.bam | samtools fixmate -r -@ 32 - sort.fx.bam
then I try samtools markdup
samtools markdup -r -@ 32 sort.fx.bam out.uq.bam
but it gave me an error
error: queryname sorted, must be sorted by coordinate.
Then I used following command
samtools sort -@ 32 sort.fx.bam | samtools markdup -r -@ 32 - out.uq.bam
but again it gives me the following error message.
error: no ms score tag. Please run samtools fixmate on file first.
Anyone, please guide me.