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4.4 years ago
I have run a standard PRSice analysis as follows:
PRSice.R \\
--prsice /usr/local/bin/PRSice_linux \\
--base !{base} \\
--snp SNPID \\
--chr CHR \\
--bp POS \\
--A1 Allele1 \\
--A2 Allele2 \\
--stat BETA \\
--pvalue p.value \\
--beta \\
--target !{name}_chr#_filtered \\
--binary-target !{params.binary_trait} \\
--pheno !{pheno} \\
--cov !{cov} \\
--thread !{task.cpus} \\
--clump-kb !{params.clump_kb} \\
--clump-r2 !{params.clump_r2} \\
--clump-p !{params.clump_p} \\
--no-clump !{no_clump} \\
--missing !{params.missing} \\
--ld-hard-thres !{params.ld_hard_thres} \\
--model !{params.model} \\
--score !{params.score} \\
--quantile !{params.quantile} \\
My question is: how can I find out which exact SNPs were included in PRSice.best? When I look in PRSice.summary, I can the number of SNPs (Num_SNP) that were included but not the list of the SNPs. Is there any way to obtain this information?
Are you able to take the lowest P value SNPs from the .SNP file to draw conclusions about the model or will I have to use PRSet in conjunction to be able to interpret it.
PRSet is a completely different module which is for set based PRS. To extract the SNPs in the best score, take the p-value threshold from the summary file and filter the .snp file accordingly (that'd be similar for PRSet, though we don't generally recommend running PRSet with thresholding)
Thank you again! Appreciate all the work you do and your continued maintenance of PRSice.
Hi, I have run PRSice2 for my own data and got output of around 288424 SNPs after clumping. From the summary file and print-snp file, I tried to extract significant SNPs based on the P value mentioned in it but, I didn't get the exact same number of SNPs mentioned in the summary file. That is the number of SNPs mentioned in the summary file was around 7954 but when I filtered SNPs with P value it was around, 450087, Am I doing any mistake? Please help me extract only significant SNPs for my trait PRS. Thanks in advance.
Will need the log and more information on how you get those SNPs count for me to better answer this.