Hi all,
I have done a paired analysis (VTE1 vs VTE0 + pair) on RNA-Seq data and an unpaired analysis (VTE1 vs VTE0) using EdgeR. I noticed that there is a difference in Log2FC values in the 2 analysis. This is probably caused due to difference in the design (I guess). My samples look like this:
Samples VTE pair sample1 0 pair_1 sample2 1 pair_1 sample3 0 pair_2 sample4 1 pair_2 sample5 0 pair_3 sample6 1 pair_3
In case of the unpaired analysis fold changes are calculated by log2(mean(VTE1)/mean(VTE0))
. However, I have no idea how the FC values are calculated when adding the pairs to it.
Hope my question is clear and someone can explain this to me!
Best regards, Tom
Hi @tbkuipers, its usually considered bad manners to simultaneously cross post the same question to two different sites, as it can lead to a duplication of effort from a limited total pool of effort. In future, its politer to post to just one site. If after an appropriate time (say a couple of days) you don't have an answer on that site, then it would be appropriate to post to another, at that point.
Hi, I understand I have removed the other post