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8.1 years ago
Hi everyone,
I am trying to convert my vcf file into mapmaker format to run in OneMap in R. Does anyone know of a script that is already available that can do this conversion.
Thank you
I'm also interested for this answer. FYI, I tried MapDisto which claims that it can do the conversion but I couldn't get it to work. Have you tried this yet?
I'll give that try arnstrm. There is also this perl script that I couldn't get to work earlier https://github.com/johnomics/scripts/blob/master/convert_vcf_to_joinmap.pl
@arnstrm I was able to get work for every type of cross but the outcross that I want to do. Which type of cross are you trying to do in onemap.
What does a mapmaker format look like?
If you are unable to find anything, maybe you can extract the genotype information in vcftools using
--extract-FORMAT-info GT
then use sed or awk to format the data files accordingly by clearing out whitespace, the / character, etc. Again, depends on what a mapmaker input file looks like.This is the make up of input file.