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4.1 years ago
Dear all, I have C. reinhardtii protein sequences and I have submitted these sequences into KAAS to get the KEGG ID to the corresponding protein sequence and got:
Cre1 K07870
Cre2 K01952
Cre3 K20989
Cre4 K12667
Now, i want to convert these KEGG ids to the pathways. How can I do it? My expected out should be
Cre1 K07870 Pathway1
Cre2 K01952 Pathway2
Cre3 K20989 Pathway3
Cre4 K12667 Pathway4
Please help.
Thanks in advance.
Unfortunately, even for academic users the ftp access require an annual subscrition fee: link
Alternatively, you can write a script that, for each Kegg Orthology (KO) id that is present in your file, will access the web page of that KO like https://www.genome.jp/dbget-bin/www_bget?ko:K07870 . Then your script can parse the page and get the list of pathways of that KO. I did a similar thing with the KEGG database using Perl and the LWP library that allows to browse web pages. If you prefer Python, there should definitely be some library for web page browsing too.
Thanks, I will try this.