Hey guys,
I ran a de novo assembly with ABYSS and I'm struggling to find the right value of k-mer. The average read length is 100bp and the insert size is 275bp. Here is a summary of k-mer / contig found that I had today :
K-mer Contig Qty Smallest Contig Biggest Contig
3 32 3 3
4 136 4 4
5 512 5 5
6 2023 6 6
7 6408 7 9
8 28498 8 11
9 9887 9 35
10 4984 10 63
15 132 15 2657
20 51 20 7205
22 41 25 9450
25 30 28 8402
28 24 31 9453
31 10 37 14686
50 5 68 16320
64 5 68 16334
n n:200 n:N50 min N80 N50 N20 max sum
51 7 2 633 1618 2212 7205 7205 16230 /contig_k20.fa
41 5 1 589 1942 9450 9450 9450 16042 /contig_k22.fa
30 5 1 1022 2188 8402 8402 8402 16261 /contig_k25.fa
24 4 1 1616 2160 9453 9453 9453 16268 /contig_k28.fa
10 2 1 1616 14686 14686 14686 14686 16302 /contig_k31.fa
5 1 1 16320 16320 16320 16320 16320 16320 /contig_k50.fa
5 1 1 16334 16334 16334 16334 16334 16334 /contig_k64.fa
Can someone tell me to which k-mer value I should rely on ?
We have a whole genome sequence of a mouse and I'm doing a de novo assembly of the mitochondria chromosome ChrM. Then which k-mer value should I take ?