Hi Everyone
I have question related to the counts generated by software using FeatureCounts and Htseq. They both give very different results. For example
AluSx3 295781
MER5A 244353
MER41B 43925
MIR 1513933
AluSx3 88023
MER5A 111860
MER41B 18632
MIR 67211
What could be the reason for large difference and which tool we should take into account for our analysis. Currently I was trying to generate the counts for transposons.
Why you've used the "Tool" tag for a question? You must include the syntax used for htseq-count and featurecounts.
Thank you so much for your response. I used the following command. I used the default parameter for both the tools.
featureCounts -T 10 -a $GFF/hg19_rmsk_TE.gtf -o TE_featurecounts/${file}_featureCounts.txt $file.sorted.bam
Htseq count
htseq-count -f bam $file.sorted.bam $GFF/hg19_rmsk_TE.gtf > TE_counts/$file.count.out
Could you please suggest what to be don? Am I required to change any parameter