I am still at the beginning of ChIP-seq data analysis and am stuck in the following problem: I want to quantify the enriched peaks of H3K27ac at the proximity (5kb) of each binding site of a transcription factor under study, and make a comparison with the knock-out of the same TF. I have already calculated the total number of H3K27ac peaks that fall in the 5kb range between the 2 conditions but not for each binding site. How could I accomplish this, given also the total number of TF binding sites? And then, how could I represent it graphically? Thank you.
Thank you for your answer, but I managed to do that simply by adding
(count) option inbedtools window
command. Now I would like to filter only the regions for which there is an increase in acetylation peaks in the TF knock-out with respect to wild-type, having two separate bed files. Any suggestions?