I've a little problem to understand the scripture command line :
So I've the accepted_hits.bam for all my samples. So I have to merge all the bam files into one big bam file before running scripture. In the help file there is two alignment file param :
-alignment --pairedEnd
Which one do I have to use to input the merged bam file ?
Here's the help file :
-alignment <Alignment file in BAM, SAM or Alignemnt format>
-maskFileDir <Mask File directory>
-out <Output file name>
-windows <Comma separated list of windows to evaluate>
-sizeFile <Chromosome size file>
Optional arguments:
-trim <Include this flag if trimming of the ends of windows based on read coverage is desired this is expensive>
-alpha <Desired FDR>
one of -chr <Chromsomosome to segment> or -chrSequence <Necessary to filter spliced reads by splice site information. Notice that this is only compatible with region files that contain regions of only one chromosome> -dontFilterCanonicalSplice
-start <To segment only a subregion of the chromosome include its start> -end <To segment only a subregion of the chromosome include its end>
-minSpliceSupport <Minimum count to support splice reads, default is 1>
-pairedEnd <Paired end alignment files> -strandSpecificReads <Strand specific alignment file> -scoreRegions <Full BED to score> -upWeightSplices -lambda <If a prior background expectation for number of reads per base exists> -exons <BED file of exons> -introns <Introns and counts>
Task: AddPairs - Uses a paired end alignment to tune graph
-in <Graph in .dot format. Standard input is assumed>
-pairedEnd <Paired end information (as in previous task), in single line BED format>
-maskFileDir <Directory containing mask files for the genome>
-chr <Chromosome (only a chromosome at a time is supported at this point)>
-sizeFile <Chromosome size file>
-out <Output file name>
Task: score - Computes several expression related scores for a set of annotations -in <Full BED file with annotations to score>
-alignment <Alignment file in BAM, SAM or Alignemnt format>
-sizeFile <Chromosome size file>
-out <Output file name>
-maskFileDir <Mask File directory>