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4.2 years ago
I'm implementing GATK best practises for doing SNP calling and I have a problem in my first for loop. I'm trying to run it through /dev/stdin and /dev/stdout in order to avoid creating intermediate files, but when I run it, the last file (NEW_"$i".fastq) is created but with anything inside.
new_fastq () {
for i in $(cat $fastq);
(java -Xmx2g -Djava.io.tmpdir=`pwd`/tmp -jar ~/softwares/picard/picard.jar FastqToSam FASTQ="$i"1.fastq.gz \
FASTQ2="$i"2.fastq.gz OUTPUT=/dev/stdout SAMPLE_NAME="$i" READ_GROUP_NAME="$i" TMP_DIR=`pwd`/tmp\
java -Xmx2g -Djava.io.tmpdir=`pwd`/tmp -jar ~/softwares/picard/picard.jar SortSam I=/dev/stdin \
O=/dev/stdout SORT_ORDER=queryname TMP_DIR=`pwd`/tmp \
java -Xmx2g -Djava.io.tmpdir=`pwd`/tmp -jar ~/softwares/picard/picard.jar MarkIlluminaAdapters \
I=/dev/stdin O=/dev/stdout METRICS=metrics_"$i".txt TMP_DIR=`pwd`/tmp \
java -Xmx2g -Djava.io.tmpdir=`pwd`/tmp -jar ~/softwares/picard/picard.jar SamToFastq \
INTERLEAVE=true NON_PF=true TMP_DIR=`pwd`/tmp) &
new_fastq fastq.txt
What am I missing?
Thanks in advance!
Add a
set -x
to the script and run it. That will print (to STDOUT) the exact commands being run, which you can use to debug.where should I add it? inside the loop?
Save the function to a script and add
set -x
to the second line, the first line being#!/bin/bash
.Can you try this?
on your first command and check the output?Sorry, maybe I did not explain properly want I want to obtain. There are four functions and I want that the output from the first one was to the second one and so on until the end, where this
should be createdIf I have an output in each of the functions it works, but I would like to avoid having intermediate files that in this case I will not use.
Oh, now I got it! You can simply remove the intermediate files as soon as they are used (I do this!) or you can try to use pipe
between your functions. I've never tried this approach but doesn't hurt to try!