HI, I may asking a naive question, to clarify myself. Which RNA_seq pipeline considered to be the best for model and non-model organisms ? I used edgeR earlier, find it very easy. Can some one explain, which pipeline is the best edgeR, DESEQ2 or HISAT2 - StringTie - Ballgown How to select these tools on what criteria ? Some simple answers.
Thanks,I'm working with non-model organism, only primary genome assembly (26 replicons) available currently. I'm interested only in the differential gene expression analysis. I started with TRINITY,HISAT2,featurecounts,edgeR,GO,KEGG.
Trinity is a transcriptome de novo assembler... Do you really need that if you have got a genome of reference?
I don't have alternate assembly, the non-model organism I'm working.
It may be easier use salmon + edgeR afeter the assembly and annotation (Trinity-Trinotate)