I am trying to get my code to work but it appears to have a bug somewhere and Trim_Galore is not reading the loop how I want it to. I have paired-end sequencing reads
My code is able to read the R1, the first of the set, but then it can't read the second. It tries to read the R2 as a file with R1R2.fastq.gz at the end rather than R2.fastq.gz. Any help is greatly appreciated.
I personally prefer to only give basenames to parallel and do the "name matching thing" outside of it.
That makes it (for me) easier to manipulate the name string as I like.
For example:
# dummy data
touch foo.R1.fastq.gz
touch foo.R2.fastq.gz
touch bar.R1.fastq.gz
touch bar.R2.fastq.gz
$ ls *fastq.gz
bar.R1.fastq.gz bar.R2.fastq.gz foo.R1.fastq.gz foo.R2.fastq.gz
# now extract the basenames:
$ ls *R1.fastq.gz | awk -F ".R1.fastq.gz" '{print $1}'
# together with parallel (sort -u to ensure no duplicates)
ls *.R1.fastq.gz \
| awk -F ".R1.fastq.gz" '{print $1}' \
| sort -u \
| parallel "trim_galore --stringency 3 --paired {}.R1.fastq.gz {}.R2.fastq.gz"