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4.2 years ago
I have been trying to analyze expression datasets from NCBI GEO database. Because of memory allocation problem, I am not able to load the expression text file in R. But I could save the SOFT file in temporary file location. Is there a way to access few rows and columns in this SOFT file? I tried using GEOquery R package and I can't access the meta data
Can you post the code that you have tried to access the file?
Got the below error message:
Your data is shared between two platforms GPL5175 GPL5188
You can download it manually from above links
The error message is telling you don't have enough device space.
Yes there is not enough memory to load the data using the getGEO command. Is there a way around to save the data and do the analysis without much memory usage?
It is not about
it is abouthard drive
space.What are your objectives ? The size of your raw data is around 65 GB