Maybe you should focus in this PyMOLWiki example
# Show hydrogen bonds between two proteins
load prot1.pdb
load prot2.pdb
h_add prot1
h_add prot2
select don, (elem n,o and (neighbor hydro))
select acc, (elem o or (elem n and not (neighbor hydro)))
dist HBA, (prot1 and acc),(prot2 and don), 3.2
dist HBD, (prot1 and don),(prot2 and acc), 3.2
delete don
delete acc
hide (hydro)
hide labels,HBA
hide labels,HBD
# NOTE: that you could also use this approach between two
# non-overlapping selections within a single object.
Edit: RasMol shows only the backbone hydrogen bonds (hbonds). It is not capable of displaying hbonds between sidechains, between chains, between ligands and their binding sites, etc.
- Load your structure through PyMOL>Plugin>PDB Loader Service> 317H
- There are object menus:- A (action),S (show),H (Hide), L (label), C (color) from where you can do most of the operations
- First Click on H>Hide everything, then S>Cartoon, then C>by chain>by chain (e, c) then L>chains (Now you can see the chains of your structure)
- Click on Display>Sequence (to see which residues lies in different chain)
- Now rest of the steps are done through PyMOL command terminal, commands can be type to perform specific operation. PyMOL is generally open in two mode which is similiar to RasMol.
PyMOL>select ChA, chain A //ChA is selection of Chain A residues, ChA is used just for convinence
Selector: selection "ChA" defined with 8726 atoms.
PyMOL>select ChB, chain B
Selector: selection "ChB" defined with 111 atoms.
PyMOL>dist name, ChA, ChB, mode=2
Executive: object "name" created.
To know more about different mode please visit PyMOLWiki
Now you can see hydrogen bonding with distances between bonding residues. You can rotate to clear the view of the structure. If you want to perform more complicated bonding then these commands can be use.
h_add 317H
select protein, chain A or chain B or chain C
select substrate, chain D
select don, (elem n+o and (neighbor hydro))
select acc, (elem o or (elem n and not (neighbor hydro)))
dist HBA, (substrate and acc), (protein and don), 3.2
dist HBD, (substrate and don), (protein and acc), 3.2
delete don
delete acc
hide (hydro)
i am facing the same problem could you please farward me the code u used. my mailing adress is
i am facing the same problem could you please farward me the code u used for finding hydrogen bond between two docked proteins? my mailing adress is