Dear all,
referring to scRNA-seq analysis and Monocle3 trajectory reconstruction in pseudotime ( :
we have 10 samples, and Monocle3 successfully infer the trajectories, however the number of genes that are Diff Expressed along the pseudotime is huge (ie > 4000 genes; we are working with 5 time points).
i would like to ask please : how would you filter further the list of genes that are Diff Expressed along the Pseudotime (beside p-value, q-value) in order to keep the follow the genes that are expressed in a larger fraction of cells ?
could this filtering be done based on Moran I statistics only (or, alternatively, i shall write additional scripts that count the number of expressing cells of gene 1, gene 2, gene 3, etc ) ?
thank you,
-- bogdan
Hi Bogdan,
I have a similar issue struggling with, I am wondering if you were able to find a way to filter DE genes showing a smooth change across samples.
Best V
Hi :
i 'd think that one way would be to filter based on the number of counts per GENE at the beginning and end of the trajectory;
i have started to look a while ago into TradeSeq ( that has good documentation :)
Thanks, I'll look through it.