Dear all,
i am trying to use BaseRecalibrator tool fron GATK and become this error:
ERROR MESSAGE: SAM/BAM file *.bam is malformed: Premature end of file
Is this really the problem of my bam or some issues of Java memory usage?
How can i check it further?
Thank you for the hint. I have done this, but became [bam_header_read] EOF marker is absent. The input is probably truncated.
I have downloaded my.bam from the galaxy server. So my next question is whether i can manipulate my.bam to get rid of this error.
Thank you for the hint. I have done this, but became [bam_header_read] EOF marker is absent. The input is probably truncated. I have downloaded my.bam from the galaxy server. So my next question is whether i can manipulate my.bam to get rid of this error.
You probably can't. The most likely explanation is that the download went wrong somehow. You can give a look to this post for clarifications: error: EOF marker is absent when processing a BAM file
Thanks for the tips! Came across an identical issue and used
samtools quickcheck your.bam
to identify malformed files