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4.2 years ago
I am trying to use Maker in in Galaxy. To perform repeat masking, I have a .embl file of known repeats but which format/ file type do I load it in? I have tried loading the file as GFF3. GTF, FASTA but all says file unavailable.
Thanks in advance, Sowmya
Please post this over at Galaxy help forum to get specific help with Galaxy: https://help.galaxyproject.org/
Thank you! I will try, however, MAKER doesn't accept FASTA files in the repbase input column.
I don't know how it works on Galaxy, my answer suits a use of MAKER as a standalone program. So as suggested by @genomax, you better to ask on the Galaxy forum.
Thanks Juke34 and genomax. I still haven’t found a solution but I will post on galaxy help.