Can anybody tell me a program to find genes by homology that generate GFF3?
I tired AAT but only show me a table
I tried Exonerate but it give me a GFF2 and it can't load in artemis
If anybody tell me MAKER, yes it is very very useful, I tried to install it but it's very complicate for me, I tried to install it for 2 months and nothing.
And I read that is not recommended convert GFF2 to GFF3.
Can anybody help me, please?
People in the Maker community are friendly. You should ask for help. Where are you stuck? My lab developed Maker. Maybe I could help you get it up and running.
Well, 5months ago I tried to install it. I remember that I can't install the RMBlast, I copy the executables in my $PATH, I run it and ok, but the maker did not recognize it, and I am confused because RMBlast have several binaries with the same name that Blast, so in my path I had binaries with the same name (no in same directory), and this is only one because some programs I can't install by the ./Build install, and when I installed these programs manually the maker did not recognize.
I trying to install MAKER again, in RepeatMasker wich RepBase is the one I have to download?RepBase17.05.embl.tar.gz or RepBase17.05.fasta.tar.gz.
Let me check with my lab-mate tomorrow morning and get back to you. I am on Mountain time.
I think it is the EMBL file. I checked in my local install of maker and that's what I found in the RepeatMasker/Libraries directory.
Well it is the libraries not the RepBase, http://www.girinst.org/server/RepBase/index.php, I downloaded both RepBase17.05.###.tar.gz, but I don't know how install it, it doesn't have a readme or install file.