Hello, I am trying to test edgeR's exactTest function using simulated data but it is showing very poor performance. The code below has 2 very different sample means but the PValue I'm getting from edgeR is around 0.75. Is there something I'm missing or is the exactTest not very good? Thanks
x3=rnbinom(5000, size=5, mu=50000) x4=rnbinom(5000, size=5, mu=500)countsvec=matrix(c(x3,x4),1,length(x3)+length(x4)) groupvec=c(rep(1,length(x3)),rep(2,length(x4)))
y<-DGEList(counts=countsvec, group=groupvec, remove.zeros=TRUE) y<-estimateDisp(y) et<-exactTest(y) et$table$PValue
It seems to me that you are simulating 1 gene and 10000 samples, is that what you really want? It's an extremely unusual situation.
Thanks for reading my post. That is correct, I am looking at the case where I have expression levels of 1 gene from 10000 different samples broken into 2 groups. Does the method not work well for that case?