I try to run bcftools
to create a vcf file of my data, but I keep getting empty output files
The command I use are
bwa mem -t14 -M ~/genomes/Sce.R64-1-1/bwaIndex/Sce.R64-1-1 HHgDNA1.R1.fastq.gz HHgDNA1.R2.fastq.gz | samtools view -buh - | samtools sort -@ 14 -o bamFiles/bwa/HHgDNA1.sorted.bam
samtools index bamFiles/bwa/HHgDNA1.sorted.bam
bcftools mpileup -A -t 10 -Ou -f $REF_FASTA bamFiles/bwa/HHgDNA1.sorted.bam
while $REF_FASTA
is the fastA file also used to create the bwa indexed genome. I know the output goes to STDOUT, but I'm still trying to figure it out. looking at the bam files i have ~99% mapped and properly paired reads.
All I get is the header of the file, but nothing more.
any ideas what is going on?
Are you using it correctly? - where is your
bcftools call
command? See here: https://github.com/kevinblighe/ClinicalGradeDNAseq/blob/master/AnalysisMasterVersion1.sh#L302-L316I think I do. I have removed it after I got nothing from the
bcftools call
command to see why the output file is empty. This is also, why I output it to the STDOUT, but all I get is the header. From what I remember from thesamtools mpileup
one can also get an output file from calling only the mpileup. But here I get nothing.So, it functions correctly but just calls nothing / no variants. Are your contigs named correctly?, e.g., 'chr1' versus '1'? Check, also, the header that's produced, as it should record commands that were used during processing - check for anything unusual.
being expanded correctly in your shell?the header of my bam file
the fastA file contains the chromosomes
This is the output I get from the
bcftools mpielup
callI can't see anything out of the ordinary.
yes, but I have tried it with both the full path and the variable with no differences in the results