I hope I phrase this properly so it makes sense... I'm trying to provide annotations for indels and splice sites based on the HGVS standard nomenclature (p. etc...) Other than writing my own tool to do this, I was hoping to find a way to annotate an indel call with this p-dot nomenclature by querying a simple lookup table, or something along those lines. Or, if there is a tool out there that will convert a given index and its position etc... into the HGVS style that I'm expecting. Can't seem to find much out there about this other than the Mutalyzer tool which approaches the problem, but doesn't seem to do exactly what i want. Thanks in advance for anyone with advice in this matter. BTW. we are currently using snpEff for our annotations, however this is providing only an HGVS 'style' for SNP calls. What we really need is the HGVS style for indel and splice site calls.
I actually no longer recommend using variation reporter. VEP, snpEff or Reece's hgvs package are easier to use and will give you better answers.