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4.3 years ago
I´m trying to graph the length of the sequences from a bed file. I know how to get the length with awk, but I want to do it with python, using pybedtools. How do I do it? I
Thank you!
What have you tried? Why do you want to do it in python?
I tried to iterate from components and got the following error "OverflowError: Cannot convert negative value to CHRPOS". I am new to bioinformatics and I am not sure if it is the correct way. I know is related to starting coordinates, but I don't know how to fix it. I want to do it in Python to reuse the program from all the bed files that I have to analyze.
It seems that a position is exceeding the maximum value that the variable being used for it can handle. You might need to search on how to get pybedtools to handle large integer values.
You're right.Thanks for your advice!