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12.7 years ago
Hi, I am using Bowtie 2 to index a sequence file. The Bowtie has an index limt about 3 Gb in size. My sequence file is about 10 Gb and thus indexed by separating it into 4 small files (2.5 Gb each). Does anyone know the potential to combine indexed files? Thanks. fanx
As JC said you cannot possibly combine indices - that's why the limit exists in the first place. You may be able to split the genome into smaller parts and align that way - but that too leads to another set of problems. Perhaps you might look into using a different aligner - not sure what the limits of bwa are.
I think BWA, like Bowtie, has a limit at 3.0 Gb for the indexing.
JC, Thanks. It's a good idea to take care the results after the mapping. My 10 Gb sequence data is not a genome. It is simulated 454-like data to look at the extent of protocol-assosiated artificial reads.
fanx, I don't understand. Then what are you indexing with bowtie?