I am trying to have the command line blast work, however, I did not manage to execute it properly. I would appreciate if you can tell me what I am doing wrong.
So here are the things I did so far:
1) I downloaded the Win-32 executable file from NCBI/blast/latest (2.2.26). Double-click and install the files under "C:\blast"
2) I went to Environmental Variables window and created variable BLAST with value "C:\blast\bin\", BLASTDB with "C:\blast\db\" and added "C:\blast\bin" to the variable Path
3) Under "C:\blast", I have three folders: bin, doc and db folder that I created to put the fasta database.
4) I downloaded pre-formatted non-redundant (nr) fasta database from NCBI ftp and put it under C:\blast\db
5) I used "formatdb -i nr -p T" command to create index files.
6) Now C:\blast\db has the following files: nr.00.phr, nr.00.pin, nr.00.psq, [...], nr.06.phr, nr.06.pin, nr.06.psq
7) Next I wanted to perform a protein blast search using this command:
C:>blastall -p blastp -d nr -i /users/lab512/Desktop/sequence.fas -o /users/lab512/Desktop/blast_output.txt
Unfortunately, I get the following error:
[blastall 2.2.24] WARNING: Unable to open nr.pin [blastall 2.2.24] WARNING: Unable to open nr.pin [blastall 2.2.24] WARNING: Unable to open nr.pin [blastall 2.2.24] WARNING: Unable to open nr.pin [blastall 2.2.24] WARNING: homosapiens: Unable to open nr.pin [blastall 2.2.24] WARNING: homosapiens: Unable to open nr.pin [blastall 2.2.24] WARNING: homosapiens: Unable to open nr.pin [blastall 2.2.24] WARNING: homosapiens: Unable to open nr.pin
My understanding is that it complains that it cannot locate the nr database. However, I already point to the correct directory when I set it in the environmental variables.
Moreover, when I try to write the path explicitly as "-d /blast/db/nr", this time I get this error:
[blastall 2.2.24] WARNING: Unable to open nr.00.pin [blastall 2.2.24] WARNING: Unable to open nr.00.pin [blastall 2.2.24] WARNING: Unable to open nr.00.pin [blastall 2.2.24] WARNING: Unable to open nr.00.pin [blastall 2.2.24] WARNING: Unable to open nr.01.pin [blastall 2.2.24] WARNING: Unable to open nr.01.pin [blastall 2.2.24] WARNING: Unable to open nr.01.pin [blastall 2.2.24] WARNING: Unable to open nr.01.pin [blastall 2.2.24] WARNING: Unable to open nr.02.pin [blastall 2.2.24] WARNING: Unable to open nr.02.pin [blastall 2.2.24] WARNING: Unable to open nr.02.pin [blastall 2.2.24] WARNING: Unable to open nr.02.pin [blastall 2.2.24] WARNING: Unable to open nr.03.pin [blastall 2.2.24] WARNING: Unable to open nr.03.pin [blastall 2.2.24] WARNING: Unable to open nr.03.pin [blastall 2.2.24] WARNING: Unable to open nr.03.pin [blastall 2.2.24] WARNING: Unable to open nr.04.pin [blastall 2.2.24] WARNING: Unable to open nr.04.pin [blastall 2.2.24] WARNING: Unable to open nr.04.pin [blastall 2.2.24] WARNING: Unable to open nr.04.pin [blastall 2.2.24] WARNING: Unable to open nr.05.pin [blastall 2.2.24] WARNING: Unable to open nr.05.pin [blastall 2.2.24] WARNING: Unable to open nr.05.pin [blastall 2.2.24] WARNING: Unable to open nr.05.pin [blastall 2.2.24] WARNING: Unable to open nr.06.pin [blastall 2.2.24] WARNING: Unable to open nr.06.pin [blastall 2.2.24] WARNING: Unable to open nr.06.pin [blastall 2.2.24] WARNING: Unable to open nr.06.pin [blastall 2.2.24] WARNING: Unable to open nr.00.pin [blastall 2.2.24] WARNING: Unable to open nr.00.pin [blastall 2.2.24] WARNING: Unable to open nr.00.pin [blastall 2.2.24] WARNING: Unable to open nr.00.pin [blastall 2.2.24] WARNING: Unable to open nr.01.pin [blastall 2.2.24] WARNING: Unable to open nr.01.pin [blastall 2.2.24] WARNING: Unable to open nr.01.pin [...]
What is the problem here?
By the way, I have no idea why it prints blastall 2.2.24 in the error when I do not have that version on my computer but have the latest 2.2.26 version.
thank you. I was missing the nr.nal file after I transferred the data to a new directory. very helfpul