Hello there,
I'm working on Coli MG1655, after i have aligned the reads to reference, i checked in IGV if alignments are coherent to gene expression but i noticed that despite some genes are mapped on forward strand, the reads has been aligned to the reverse strand.
i used samtools to divide reads mapped on forward and reverse strand in this way:
samtools view -F 16 -b -o forward_strand.bam in.bam samtools view -f 16 -b -o reverse_strand.bam in.bam
I am attaching an example of groL gene, mapped to the forward strand, but reads actually mapped on reverse strand. Why? what am i missing?
In the image, from top to bottom: gff annotation, coverage reverse, coverage forward, mapped reads to reverse strand.
DNA is fragmented regardless of the 'genes'. "High-throughput sequencing (HTS) methods" in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/DNA_sequencingI think the OP data is RNA-seq (based on the tags), so depending on the library preparation, he could expect strandness.
@qstefano: what library preparation was used to generate the data ? It can be unstranded, stranded, or reversely stranded. If it is unstranded - or stranded but mapped as "reversely stranded" -, then it is normal that reads map on the "wrong" strand.
The library is stranded