Hello everyone,
So I used BWA to align Read 1 and Read 2 of my whole genome sequence (WGS) and I'm trying to interpret the results accurately.
Total PF = 100%
Paired = 99.87%
Read 1 = 49.93%
Read 2 = 49.93%
Aligned = 41.41%
Properly paired = 95.69%
Singletons = 1.47%
Secondary Alignments = 0.32%
Duplicates = 12.63%
Does this mean that since they are so aligned they could show heterozygosity and then a disease causing gene would be recessive? or what is your take on it? Please help.
Thank you so much! How could I check that?
You are just at the beginning, after alignment, you need to call variants and then you can check for disease-causing variants, check the process in GATK https://gatk.broadinstitute.org/hc/en-us/categories/360002302312, and prioritize variants with VEP, Gemini, Exomiser, etc.