I use RSEM to count abundance of each transcript after alignment with STAR and featureCounts to count abundance of each transcript after alignment with Bowtie.
My question is, if a read map on a given location of the genome, but at this location, there are multiple transcripts overlapping : How RSEM or featureCounts decide which transcript is it ?
Mapping to the transcriptome will result in a high rate of reads mapping to multiple locations, due to the multiple isoforms present in a transcriptome. RSEM will use an expectation-maximization to optimally assign (fractional) counts from multi-mapping reads, while featureCounts will, with default settings, discard all multi-mapping reads.
I thought multi-mapping reads was about a read which is mapping at multiple locations.
But here my read map at ONE position. But this position is corresponding to multiple transcripts.
I think that because Featurecounts is not smart about reads whose assignment is ambiguous, it is not suitable for assessing transcript abundance. Genes would be okay, exons would be okay, but not transcripts.
I thought multi-mapping reads was about a read which is mapping at multiple locations. But here my read map at ONE position. But this position is corresponding to multiple transcripts.
The same applies to reads assigned to overlapping features: featureCounts discards them, RSEM tries to optimally assign the counts.