Hi everyone, i really need your help, I am a beginner in R and also bioinformatics, my problem is that I want to do a differential analysis in R, I have a dataset from TCGA with 27 genes from 1083 patients , i want to see the expression of gene in two conditions when i was searching about that I find that i have to start by a pre-treatment analysis first but when i found some scripts i noticed that my dataset is very different from others and i don't know how to start. Please can anyone help me to find a solution? thank you in advance
Well, nobody can help you because we can neither see the format in which your data is stored. To maximise the possibilities of receiving help, you need to provide a minimal reproducible example [of data]. You should also show some lines of code that you have already tried so that we are sure that we are not just doing your work for you. You should also explain from where, exactly, you got your data. Finally, which "scripts" did you find? Thanks.
With only 27 genes you will have a hard time normalizing data properly, but as Kevin says, please add details and clarity.
Thank you very much for your reply, in fact i noticed that i need first the control database of TCGA but i don't know how to find it , do you have any idea ?
It's not clear what you want - is it control samples?
I would recommend following a user friendly workflow, such as those provided by TCGAbiolinks: https://bioconductor.org/packages/release/bioc/html/TCGAbiolinks.html
Yes exactly I am looking normal samples in TCGA that matched cancer samples
I see. If you are a beginner with minimal experience, I really encourage you to try TCGAbiolinks.
I will thank you Kevin