I am new to the initial processing of Illumina reads (GA2x) after spending the last couple of years handling SOLiD data. It seems clear from a trawl of the internet that CASAVA 1.8 is not the easiest piece of software to use...
My concern is the conversion of BCL formatted output (direct from the sequencer) to the FASTQ format. Can anyone recommend sensible parameters for the filtering step, such as the number of mismatches? Or do people run it using default parameters?
Are there any other pitfalls/suggestions regarding the BCL > FASTQ step.
1 Enter: /path-to-CASAVA/bin/configureBclToFastq.pl --input-dir <BaseCalls_dir> --output-dir <Unaligned> --sample-sheet <input_dir>/SampleSheet.csv
3 Run: nohup make -j 3
default parameters are good. unless you have different set of barcode rather than Illumina's , otherwise, you change "--mismatches" to be 1 for safe.