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4.2 years ago
Hi all, I have recently started working with Barley (Hordeum vulgare) plant - Cultivar Golden Promise. I am interested in some genes and I got their CDS from https://webblast.ipk-gatersleben.de/barley_ibsc/viroblast.php database. But I could not find the genomic sequence. My questions are:
- How to find the genomic sequences?
- There is recently an article published: A Genome Assembly of the Barley ‘Transformation Reference’ Cultivar Golden Promise (https://www.g3journal.org/content/10/6/1823). Can I use this genome assembly? If yes, how can I use this to find the genomic sequences?
Thank you Umesh
You may want to grab genome sequence from Ensembl. You can find the genome sequence and CDS from this FTP location.
Thank you so much. Can you please also suggest any tools that I can use to extract the sequence of my gene of interest.
use the BioMart https://plants.ensembl.org/biomart/martview
If you get the CDS file (and know the ID of the gene you are interested in) you can find the sequence of the gene. Note these don't contain introns or UTR sequences.
Thank you genomax and JC.