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4.0 years ago
Hi I write an bash script to automate my workflow. but the count section not work and throw this error. I can not figure it out why exact same command run from console is ok but has error in script
CMD="${PYTHON_EXE} -m HTSeq.scripts.count -i gene_name -r name ${1}_sort.sam ${ANNOT_PATH} >${COUNT_PATH}${1}.count"
echo Running $CMD
if $CMD ; then
echo "${GREEN}Counting done${NC}"
echo "${RED}Counting failed; see htseq-count error message${NC}"
it generate the command like:
/usr/bin/python3 -m HTSeq.scripts.count -i gene_name -r name /home/user/bin/SRR5122422_sort.sam /home/user/bin/GRCh37.87.gtf >/mnt/disk2/Count_Files/SRR5122422.count
and the error is:
file does not contain alignment data
[Exception type: ValueError, raised in libcalignmentfile.pyx:947]
use "htseq-count" or "/usr/bin/python3 -m HTSeq.scripts.count" generate same error. the path for sam and gtf file is ok.
I guess there is something with your SAM file, check if the format is correct
if I copy and past the generated command in console it run without any error. so I think file is ok
in your bash script, how the path for the SAM file is being generated? I see
but you are using just${1}
which I guess is justSRR5122422
I pass SRR5122422 as argument to script
./myscript.sh SRR5122422