Bit of a long shot, but I was wondering if anyone has managed to get BioRad's iQ5 software running under Wine?
Thanks, Cass.
Bit of a long shot, but I was wondering if anyone has managed to get BioRad's iQ5 software running under Wine?
Thanks, Cass.
Use the following command in your Linux Terminal. Remember you should have internet connection while doing this.
sudo apt-get install wine
This command will help you to install wine in your Linux machine.
Once the installation done browse your Biorad CD-Rom through terminal window. Go to BioRad iQ5 software folder through Terminal window and use the following command.
wine setup.exe
Hope this will help you
Not all windows programmes, especially professional softwares, are well supported by wine. Usually the software cannot run stably in wine. Running the software on a virtual windows is the best choice if you refuse to switch to windows.
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I've (reluctantly) tried out Wine in the past and found it to be horrible for pretty much everything. I would use Windows in a VirtualBox instead.
Are you running into specific errors, or asking prior to checking it out? If the former, you might post more info here or ask over at WineHQ
Chris: I had a quick go and hit a variety of problems. I don't want to waste a load of time on it, so I just thought I'd see if anyone had already got it working. I don't know much about Wine or Windows so I don't really want to get bogged down in figuring out what the problem is. Never used VirualBox, will give it a go - thanks Neil!