A B 2.9711e-01 6.8662e-10 2/2048
A C 2.3343e-03 0.0000e+00 1861/2048
A D 2.9711e-01 6.8666e-10 2/2048
A E 2.9711e-01 6.8658e-10 2/2048
I would like to convert column 5 into the decimal value, such as
A B 2.9711e-01 6.8662e-10 0,0009765625
A C 2.3343e-03 0.0000e+00 0,90869140625
A D 2.9711e-01 6.8666e-10 0,0009765625
A E 2.9711e-01 6.8658e-10 0,0009765625
$ perl -lane '($n,$d)=split(/\//,$F[4]); $F[4]=$n/$d; print join "\t", @F' < table.txt
A B 2.9711e-01 6.8662e-10 0.0009765625
A C 2.3343e-03 0.0000e+00 0.90869140625
A D 2.9711e-01 6.8666e-10 0.0009765625
A E 2.9711e-01 6.8658e-10 0.0009765625
You can try awk, too, assuming that your file's format is consistent (no empty cells; tab-delimited) and that there is indeed no header:
awk -F "\t" '{
split($5, div, "/");
print $1"\t"$2"\t"$3"\t"$4"\t"div[1]/div[2]}' table.txt
A B 2.9711e-01 6.8662e-10 0.000976562
A C 2.3343e-03 0.0000e+00 0.908691
A D 2.9711e-01 6.8666e-10 0.000976562
A E 2.9711e-01 6.8658e-10 0.000976562
$ awk '{split($5, v, "/"); OFS="\t"; print $1,$2,$3,v[1]/v[2]}' foo.txt
A B 2.9711e-01 0.000976562
A C 2.3343e-03 0.908691
A D 2.9711e-01 0.000976562
A E 2.9711e-01 0.000976562
Just to keep the tradition of questions with no clear relation to bioinformatics attracting lots of answers (and because it is
Friday night at times of pandemics), here are some alternative solutions:
Using several bash variables:
while IFS=$'\t' read -r val1 val2 val3 val4 val5
val5=$(echo "scale=10; $val5" | bc -l)
printf "%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\n" "$val1" "$val2" "$val3" "$val4" "$val5"
done < table.tsv
With an array, slicing the array to delete the last element and replace by the result of the division:
while IFS=$'\t' read -r -a array
val=$(echo "scale=10; ${array[-1]}" | bc -l)
printf "%s\t" "${array[@]}"; echo
done < table.tsv
For modern (later than 4.2, I think) bash, one can use a nicer syntax to delete the last array element:
while IFS=$'\t' read -r -a array
val=$(echo "scale=10; ${array[-1]}" | bc -l)
unset array[-1]
printf "%s\t" "${array[@]}"
printf "%s\n" "$val"
done < table.tsv
How is this related to bioinformatics?