If you are working with chip-seq or atac-seq or any assays resulting in bigWig files, one of the common visualizations is to generate track plots displaying signal intensities across genomic loci. Libraries in R like Gviz facilitates such visualization but they are slow, complicated, and come with a large number of dependencies, not to mention R versions themselves.
Introducing trackplot - a fast and minimal dependency standalone R script to generate IGV style locus tracks from bigWig files in R. trackplot
has only two depdencies namely data.table R package, and bwtool CLI tool.
- Its fast since most of the heavy lifting is done by
- Plots are generated using pure base graphics (no ggplot2 or tidyverse dependencies)
- Automatically queries UCSC genome browser for gene models.
- Supports GTF and standard UCSC gene formats as well.
- Customization: Each track can be customized for color, scale, height/width.
- Region highlighting, gene track collapsing, etc
is a standalone R script and requires no installation. Just source it and you're good to go!
Source code on Github. Comments and suggestions are always welcome :)
# download and source the script
> download.file(url = "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/PoisonAlien/trackplot/master/trackplot.R", destfile = "trackplot.R")
> source('trackplot.R')
> trackplot(bigWigs = c("CD34.bw", "EC.bw", "LC.bw", "CD4p.bw", "CD8p.bw"),
loci = "chr3:187,715,903-187,752,003",
draw_gene_track = TRUE, build = "hg38", mark_regions = markregions,
custom_names = c("CD34", "EC", "LC", "CD4+", "CD8+") )
edit: Answering the comments, bwtool pre-built binaries are now included as part of the trackplot repository. Just make them executable and start using them.
Getting this error on MacOS 10.14.6
Any idea whats going on? Also seems like others are running into the same problem ( https://github.com/CRG-Barcelona/libbeato/issues/9 ). A solution will be appreciated.
Try these instructions for bwtool compilation. It should work. Copied below as well.
Hi I tried your script to make the plots but got an error
The bwtool installed using the same lines above.
R session
Did you add it to
or to a folder inPATH
?I just added it to PATH. Still I get the same error.
Problem solved using:
You are almost there. You just need to copy/move the binary to a
) or to a directory underPATH