Hello community,
I need some help to make TopGO do what i need. I have intersected the differentially expressed genes in my RNA-seq experiment with a list of genes I'm interesed to for other reasons. When i create the TopGO object i have some troubles with the selection function. For the whole list of differentially expressed genes i select only those with a p-value < 0.05. What if i want to perform the enrichment analysis on the genes from the second list using the DGE from my experiment as the background?
My code is this:
background <- geneuniverse$PValue
names(background) <- geneuniverse$ensembl_gene_id
selection <- function(allScore){ return(allScore < 0.05)}
GoData <- new("topGOdata",
ontology = "BP",
allGenes = background,
geneSel = selection,
annot = annFUN.org,
mapping = "org.Hs.eg.db",
ID = "ensembl",
nodeSize = 3)
If i read my genes of interest in a vector by doing:
interesting_genes <- scan('interesting_genes.txt', header=TRUE)
How can I get TRUE/FALSE for matches between interesting genes and background? I have already tried match, %in% and grepl, but geneSel can only be a function. Any help?
I dont' know if it's of any help, but heres how the data look:
ENSG00000183242 ENSG00000248347 ENSG00000172482 ENSG00000120068 ENSG00000137558
1.81e-15 1.15e-08 5.59e-09 5.33e-07 4.86e-06
[1] "ENSG00000114779" "ENSG00000143322" "ENSG00000123130" "ENSG00000103740" "ENSG00000164398"