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4.0 years ago
Hi all,
I'm just starting with Mugsy for genome alignments and I have some trouble with the usage of Mugsy.
I installed it using bioconda and when I activate Mugsy with: conda activate Mugsy
it works because I can have access to the help page.
I'm using this command line:
mugsy --directory /data/output_mugsy --prefix mygenomes genome1.fasta genome2.fasta
but I have the following error message:
-directory must be a directory at /home/administrateur/miniconda3/envs/Mugsy/bin/mugsy line 235.
I tried to look online but unfortunately didn't find anything that helped me.. So If by chance, you have any idea on how I can fix this, please let me know!
Thank you in advance for your much appreciated help
See this previous post. In short, did you read the whole error message and did you set MUGSY_INSTALL in mugsyenv.sh?
Thank you for your reply. Yes, i've aldready edited the file mugsyenv.sh:
But I still have the same issue
Did you do the following after editing the file as suggested by @h.mon in thread @Jean-Karim linked?
Yes, I did that too. In my Ubuntu terminal, I have this:
and when I do:
I have the help instructions
So I don't know where the issue is ...
exist?No it doesn't exist. Where should I create this directory?
Since you are indicating that as the location for the output (with
) I guess you should make it in that same location.