I am trying to convert my vcf file to a flat tab-separated format by using "VariantsToTable" in GATK. I am particularly interested in DP at the sample annotation for my analysis. I am using
/data/programs/gatk- VariantsToTable -V final.vcf -GF DP -O snps.DP.tab
My vcf file consists of over 4 million SNPs, but the table that I get from running VariantsToTable consists only nearly 1 million SNPs. I wonder what is wrong! Does anyone knows how can I sort this out. Thanks
were there any warning/error messages? Could you post some examples from the vcf file from variants that are missing in the result?
fin swimmer
No, I did not get any error message. I just get only 1 million SNPs in the table and I do not know which of them from the main vcf file
I have the same question. I am using VariantsToTable command and it removes all the lowQual SNPs. However, I want them too. for example,
The following command works
but not the following command
Thank you, Sneha