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4.0 years ago
I'm trying to fetch some data from the ENA API, but keep getting error messages. This has been like that for a few days. Anyone knows if the service is down, or is it me doing something wrong?
For example, I try the URL https://www.ebi.ac.uk/ena/portal/api/filereport?accession=SRR1945842&result=read_run&fields=fastq_ftp
, and get the message:
ERROR: Database problem. If error persists, please contact our helpdesk using https://www.ebi.ac.uk/ena/browser/support for any enquiries.
( java.sql.SQLNonTransientConnectionException: [Vertica][VJDBC](100176) Failed to connect to host vrt-hhvm7-001.ebi.ac.uk on port 5433. Reason: Failed to establish a connection to the primary server or any backup address. )
Do you get the same error?
I didn't see any "service is down" notice on their website. Also tried to contact the help desk, but no reply yet.
Yeah similar to the NCBI - but probably a little more frequently - sometimes I'm also unable to connect to the ENA when trying to pull data from the SRA/ERA.