I am really bad at PC and programming. Trying to figure-out how Biopython works and Python at the same time.
Discovered existence of Python bindings. I am looking for a small c program (one file) to try to learn how
to call it from Python using ctypes or cython. Any idea ? I am asking for this because the print 'Hello'
isnt usefull to me , no way to pass argument to me and my C is absolutely zero
(asked same question on bioinformatics.stackexchange.com got closed. Hope find more help here)
If you are as bad at programming as you say, starting out by trying to conflate C (a not very beginner-friendly language in the first place) with another language (python), whilst trying to get in to the weeds of more niche interface layers like cython is not the approach I would take.
Start with something easy like python. Get comfortable with it, then start to explore the wider world.