Briefly, I would install BLAST, and then run it on my contigs:
1. Make the BLAST database with the reference genome
makeblastdb -in reference.fasta -dbtype nucl -parse_seqids -out ref_db
blastdbcmd -db ref_db -info
2. Run the BLAST query with my contigs
blastn -query mycontigs.fasta -task blastn -db ref_db -outfmt 7 -out blast.output
3. Read the output file in R and make a basic visualization (untested)
blast=blast[blast[,10]<=0.0001,] # e-value threshold
lapply(seq(length(queries)), function(i) {
lapply(seq(length(tmp[,1])), function(j) {
This, just to show you how much more free you will be in your own research if you learn how to use day-to-day tools such as BLAST, R, ....
Too much for what exactly? (I assume you meant aligning them individually?)
If I blast those contigs with reference sequence one by one,I think it is too much.You are right.
Have you tried running BLAST locally on your own computer against your reference sequence? You don't have to run them one by one, you can launch it with a multiple sequences fasta file.
I know what you mean.I have run blast on NCBI.Using blast,I will get the know the location of contig.I think data are too much.So I want to konw if there is a software can do this work.And,I have known the order of contigs on the reference sequence.What I need is to make sure the accurate position.A appropriate tool makes work easy.
Although I have known the order of contigs on reference sequence,I have many questions.For example,some contigs have overlapped.In addition,there are many lines and contigs with different colors.I don't know what about those mean.I will give you a screenshots.
I am not talking about BLAST on NCBI but of a local BLAST on your own machine. This runs perfectly with large files and the output file will give you all the information you need concerning the positions and possible overlaps of your contigs.
How familiar are you with command-line tools? Are you running a Unix-based machine?
I am a new hand.I run a linux-based machine.And,I have many questions,such as the screenshots I gave.
Running BLAST locally is definitely something you should learn, then. Using ready-made tools will only get you so far, and after that, you will have to start learning how to run (and analyse) flatfile outputs.