I'm running PLINK v2.00a2.3LM 64-bit Intel (24 Jan 2020) and I cannot get the command line syntax correct for LD pruning.
I've been reading https://avikarn.com/2019-07-30-prunning/ and https://www.cog-genomics.org/plink/2.0/ld but am confused about what I've read there. There are no examples in the manual pages, which isn't very helpful.
First, I convert vcf files thus vcftools --gzvcf $vcf --plink --out $dir/$id
I've tried
~/Scripts/plink2 --noweb --file plink/MDMNFYMQ --indep 50 5 2 --out MDMNFYMQ.indep
which I got from the tutorial
but this gives the error: Error: Unrecognized flag ('--file').
which is strange, so I tried
~/Scripts/plink2 --noweb plink/MDMNFYMQ --indep-pairwise 50 5 2 --out MDMNFYMQ.indep
but then I get
Error: Invalid --ndep-pairwise r^2 threshold '2'. For more info, try "plink2 --help <flag name>" or "plink2 --help | more
I'm totally stuck.
How can I run LD pruning with plink2?
I'm having a really hard time getting all of the plink input files ready.
/Scripts/plink1.9/plink --vcf genetic-data/ZZFNMDMF.vcf.gz --out ZZFNMDMF --make-founders --make-bed
generates .nosex, .log, .bed, .fam, .bin files. However, I cannot generate the ped file that is also required:
Is there an alternative to Plink that doesn't require so much error-prone preparation?
has been deliberately excluded from all plink 2.0 alpha builds). Use--bfile
instead of--file
to load the .bed + .bim + .fam fileset.