I'm trying to align a fastq file obtained from a concatenation of reads basecalled with guppy high accuracy in MinIT. I'm receiveing the following error message:
[WARNING] wrong FASTA/FASTQ record. Continue anyway.[M::worker_pipeline::2.165*0.99] mapped 67504 sequences
[E::sam_parse1] query name too long
[W::sam_read1] Parse error at line 67541
[main_samview] truncated file.
Alignment pipeline failed.
Here's the command i used:
mini_align -i Deerpox_2.fq.gz -r /home/lcc88/Desktop/References/Deerpox.fasta -p Deerpox_2
Apparently modifying the query names longer than 252 is the solution but i have no idea how to do it. Does anyone know how to do it? Or possibly another solution for this problem.
Thank you,
You have a solution to rename fastq headers below but keep in mind that you will lose original headers in case you need to correlate the sequences back to original headers.
an ONT supplied program? If so I am surprised that it is having this issue with standard ONT read names.