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3.9 years ago
I am trying to download the full complete genbank file (where it has all the sequences)
using biopython Entrez module.
so far I am writing like the below
with Entrez.efetch (db = "nucleotide", rettype = 'gb', id = "NC_000853.1", retmode = 'text') as gb_file:
but it only seems to download the short version of genbank file.
how should i modify the code so i can downloade the full version of genbank file?
I don't know if this is possible. I tried your code and I obtained the same as it appears in the NCBI/Genbak site: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/nuccore/NC_000853.1/. If you are interested in the whole genome or part of it use a different query.