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4.1 years ago
I am doing ribo_seq analysis and I aligned my files (R1+R2) to the rRNA, then I took the resulting reads that were not aligned to the rRNA (turned the sam to one fastq file) and aligned them with tophat2 to the genome. This is my cmd:
tophat2 -G BioMart.GRCh37.75.gtf -o ./output 3 -p 3 --no-novel-juncs -g 5 --prefilter-multihits hg19 sample.fq
The thing is - I used the " --prefilter-multihits" but my summary is this:
Input : 10803641
Mapped : 5993137 (55.5% of input)
of these: 1915741 (32.0%) have multiple alignments (3861832 have >5)
55.5% overall read mapping rate.
This seems to mean I have not been successful in removing multihits...
Any idea where I might have gone wrong? Did I miss something with the cmd - or earlier?